A listing of postage stamps of Saint Vincent depicting coins.
1976 July 15
Saint Vincent (Grenadines)
American Bicentennial.
25-cent stamp depicts US 1976 25-cent coin; 50-cent stamp depicts US 1976 50-cent coin; $1 stamp depicts US 1976 $1 coin.
Catalog numbers: Michel 80-82; Scott 81-83; Yvert 82-84; Stanley Gibbons 82-84
Approximate value: US$0.70 (Scott 2010).
1977 March 3
Saint Vincent (Grenadines)
Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
25-cent stamp depicts coronation crown coin; 50-cent stamp depicts silver wedding coin; $1 stamp depicts silver jubilee coin.
Catalog numbers: Michel 115-17; Scott 116-118; Yvert 98-100; Stanley Gibbons 93-95
Approximate value: US$0.40 (Scott 2010).
1983 December 1
Saint Vincent (Grenadines)
20-cent stamp depicts 1797 1/4- and 1/2-dollar coins; 45-cent stamp depicts 1811-14 nine-bitt coin; 75-cent stamp depicts 1811-14 6- and 12-bitt coins; $3 stamp depicts 66-shilling coin.
Catalog numbers: Michel 280-83; Scott 291-94; Yvert 291-94; Stanley Gibbons 267-70
Approximate value: US$1.50 (Scott 2010).
1987 December 11
Saint Vincent
5-, 6-, 10-, 12-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-, 35-, 45-, 50-, 65-, 75-cent postage stamps depict East Caribbean coins.
Catalog numbers: Michel 1072-84; Scott 1069-81; Stanley Gibbons 1098-1110
Approximate value: US$3.8 (Scott 2010).
1992 April
Saint Vincent (Grenadines)
Granada '92 philatelic exhibition; Walt Disney characters as Spanish explorers in the New World.
15-cent postage stamp depicts gold coins.
Catalog numbers: Scott 845
Approximate value: US$0.35 (Scott 2010).
2009 May 18
Saint Vincent (Grenadines)
40th anniversary of the first man on the Moon.
$2 postage stamp depicts USA 2002 Ohio State quarter dollar coin.
Approximate value: US$1.50.
2010 September 1
Saint Vincent

$2 postage stamp depicts King George V gold coin.
Catalog numbers: Scott 3718d
Approximate value: US$1.50.
Next country: Salvador, El.
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