A chronological listing of world postage stamps depicting Chevrolet Corvette cars.
1983 May 4
Grenada (Grenadines)
90-cent postage stamp depicts a 1963 Corvette Sting Ray.
Catalog numbers: Scott 549
Approximate value: US$0.50 (Scott 2010).
1984 June 11
Tuvalu (Nanumaga)
Two 30-cent postage stamps depict a 1963 Corvette coupe.
Approximate value: US$0.80.
1986 January 30
Two $3 postage stamps depict a 1953 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 321a-b
Approximate value: US$1.50 (Scott 2010).
1986 November 20
60-cent postage stamp depicts a 1963 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 1433
Approximate value: US$0.55 (Scott 2007).
1989 (month unknown)
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse in a 1953 Corvette, at Christmas.
1998 May 4
Netherlands Antilles
225-cent postage stamp depicts a 1964 Corvette Sting Ray with two errors, labelling it 1963 (1963 had split rear window, which this image does not appear to have), and calling it a "Stingray" (1963-67 are Sting Ray, with 1969-77 using Stingray name). Yellow is not even a standard color for 1963 or 1964, though someone may have had it painted.
Catalog numbers: Scott 833
Approximate value: US$2.50 (Scott 2010).
1998 (month unknown)
Central African Republic

400-franc postage stamp depicts a Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 1249b
Approximate value: US$0.75 (Scott 2010).
1998 September 1
Marshall Islands
60-cent postage stamp depicts a 1957 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 667e
Approximate value: US$1.10 (Scott 2010).
1998 October 29
Comoro Islands
150-franc postage stamp depicts a 1955 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 841e
Approximate value: US$0.72 (Scott 2010).
1998 December 24
50-cent postage stamp depicts a 1974-77 Corvette Stingray, but erroneously labels it as a 1963-67 Corvette Sting Ray.
Catalog numbers: Scott 1387d
Approximate value: US$1.65 (Scott 2010).
2000 March 13
$100 postage stamp depicts a 1968 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 3466c
Approximate value: US$1.22 (Scott 2010).
2001 June 18
6000-cedi postage stamp depicts a 1966 Corvette.
Catalog numbers: Scott 2235
Approximate value: US$1.12 (Scott 2010).
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