A listing of postage stamps of Argentina depicting design errors.
1935 (month unknown)
20-centavo stamp is inscribed Juan Martin Guemes; a later issue is corrected to Martin Güemes.
Catalog numbers: Scott 437
Approximate value: US$0.20 (Scott 2010).
1946 June 4
5-centavo stamp marking the inauguration of President Juan Perón depicts Liberty holding her left hand up, and the President's right hand on papers (Bible? Constitution?), meaning his left hand is raised; shouldn't the President raise his right hand for the swearing-in ceremony? Was the image mirrored left-to-right?
Catalog numbers: Scott 552
Approximate value: US$0.20 (Scott 2010).
1960 May 28
1.80-peso stamp depicts Mariano Moreno, with designer name Miliavaca Grand misspelled as "MIGLIAVACA GRAND".
Catalog numbers: Scott C75
1963 March 16
4-peso stamp depicts three gears, but the teeth will not mesh and turn.
Catalog numbers: Scott 744
Approximate value: US$0.20 (Scott 2010).
1966 October 22
10-peso stamp honors Miguel Lillo, botanist and chemist, but depicts an associate called Padilla.
Catalog numbers: Scott 806
Approximate value: US$0.35 (Scott 2010).
1974 May 11
70+30-centavos semi-postal stamp depicts the Sporophila caerulescens bird, with misspelled caption "SPHOROPHILA CAERULESCEMS".
Catalog numbers: Scott B62
1985 April 27
40-australs stamp depicts Junkers F-13 L plane with error in caption "JUNKER F-13 L".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1495
1988 March 15
10-austral stamp inscribed "Viejo Almacen"; in October re-issued with "El" at start.
Catalog numbers: Scott 1618
Approximate value: US$2.25 (Scott 2010).
2000 September 23
2000 Summer Olympics, Sydney, Australia.
75-centavo stamp depicts two women playing field hockey, but the image is reversed. Flip the image left-to-right, and the players will be holding the sticks correctly to the right side of their bodies.
Catalog numbers: Scott 2122b
Approximate value: US$1.60 (Scott 2010).
Next country: Armenia.
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