A listing of postage stamps of Mongolia depicting design errors.
1961 May 31
20-mung stamp depicts Yuri Gagarin with an American Mercury spacecraft, rather than his Soviet Vostok 1.
Catalog numbers: Scott 232
Approximate value: US$0.25 (Scott 2010).
1971 February 25
10-mung stamp depicts the simultaneous orbits of Soviet spacecraft Vostok 3 and Vostok 4, mislabelled as "VOSTOK 2-3".
Catalog numbers: Scott 602
Approximate value: US$0.20 (Scott 2010).
1986 April 20
40-mongo stamp depicts Alexander Alekhine and chess board, above which is "RETTI" referring to Richard Réti, misspelled.
Catalog numbers: Michel 1752; Stanley Gibbons 1793
1994 November 30
100-tugrik stamp depicts Talarurus plicatospineus ankylosaur; misspelled "TALARARUS". 120-tugrik stamp depicts Corythosaurus dinosaur; misspelled "GORYTHOSAURUS".
Catalog numbers: Scott 2184,85
Next country: Montenegro.
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