Notable anniversaries in history for today: September 15
- 150th: 1874 - (to October 9) The first postal congress convenes in Berne, Switzerland. Representatives of 21 nations attend, to implement principles reached at Paris Postal Conference in 1863.
- 100th: 1924 - Birth of Bobby Short; singer/pianist ("Carlisle Hotel").
- 60th: 1964 - ABC premieres the Peyton Place 30-minute serial drama TV show.
- 60th: 1964 - CBS airs the last The Jack Benny Program TV show. A total of 304 episodes aired. The show continues on the NBC network.
- 40th: 1984 - Birth of Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, third in British sucession.
- 30th: 1994 - Disney Chairman Michael Eisner meets with Peter Rummell to discuss the Disney's America project. Projections of revenues and expenses show that the park would operate at a loss. Eisner decides to abandon the idea to build the historical theme park in Virginia, for financial reasons and due to negative press.
- 25th: 1999 - For the first time in its 28-year history, most of Walt Disney World in Florida is closed for the day, due to the threat of Hurricane Floyd. Disney's Animal Kingdom re-opens at 12:00 PM for resort guests.
- 25th: 1999 - DreamWorks releases the film American Beauty to theaters.
- 20th: 2004 - Death of Johnny Ramone, American guitarist (The Ramones) (cancer) (born 1948).
- 20th: 2004 - Davíð Oddsson, Prime Minister of Iceland, steps down after serving as prime minister since April 30, 1991. Oddsson trades posts with his foreign minister Halldór Ásgrímsson, who then becomes Prime Minister.
- 20th: 2004 - Security at the Palace of Westminster in London England is compromised, when the House of Commons is stormed by a small group of protestors during a debate about fox hunting.
- 15th: 2009 - Consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal begins construction on third locks of the Panama Canal, with an estimated 1883 days to completion. The company's bid for the project was US$3.12 billion.
- 15th: 2009 - Keith Floyd, pioneer of the modern British TV cooking show (Floyd on Fish), dies after a heart attack at the age of 65.
- 10th: 2014 - Death of Nicholas Romanov, Prince of Russia (born 1922).
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