- July 1
- Japan issues postage stamp for use in Japan and Korea and offices in China. Denomination is 3 sen. [1260.59]
- December 29
- First postage stamps for Italian Somalia, as overprints on Benadir. [285.15]
- First postage stamps for Brunei are issued, overprinted on stamps of Labuan. [700.1139]
- France issues first postage stamps for use in Upper Senegal and Niger. [285.820]
- France issues first postage stamps for use in Mauritania. [1367.849]
- France issues first postage stamps for use in Mohéli. [1367.986]
- September 8
- The USA issues first non-overprint postage stamps for use in the Philippines. [278.238]
- September 9
- Maldive Islands issues its first postage stamps, overprinted on stamps of Ceylon. [1135] [1367.731]
- October 11
- Brunei issues its first internationally-valid postage stamps. [1135] (1907 [700.1140])
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- November 8
- Australia issues first postage stamps for the Territory of Papua (formerly British New Guinea). [278.94] [1135]
- February 14
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for the British Solomon Islands Protectorate, depicting a war canoe. [285.1] [1135]
- (month unknown)
- New South Wales issues its last postage stamps. [700.568]
- British Central Africa issues its last postage stamps. [700.1126]
- September
- British Solomon Islands Protectorate joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- October 1
- Universal Postal Union Treaty of Rome revisions come into effect, changing basic weight of letter from 1/2 ounce to one ounce. Postage rate in US dollars is set at 5 cents for one ounce or less, 3 cents for each additional ounce. [1130.43]
- Additions to the Universal Postal Union: Algeria, Australia, New Zealand, and US possessions. [1135]
- February 18
- First US postage stamps in coils are issued. [1]
- June
- Java issues its first postage stamps, overprints of stamps of Netherlands Indies. [1135]
- (month unknown)
- United Kingdom issues last Orange River Colony postage stamps. [1367.1573]
- July 22
- United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in the Nyasaland Protectorate, depicting King Edward VII. [1135] [1367.1557]
- October 29
- The United Kingdom issues first pound-denominated postage stamps for use in the New Hebrides, overprints of Fiji stamps. [1135] [1367.1349]
- November 1
- Ethiopia joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- November 21
- France issues first franc-denominated postage stamps for use in the New Hebrides, overprints of New Caledonia stamps. [1135] [1367.1349]
- January 1
- First postage stamps for Belgian Congo are issued, using overprinted stamps of Congo. [1135] (1908 [700.811])
- (month unknown)
- Queensland issues its last postage stamps. [700.572]
- Belgian Congo issues its first postage stamps. [700.812]
- Maldives issues its own first postage stamps. [1367.731]
- Last postage stamps are issued for use in Trinidad. [285.584]
- First postage stamps are issued for use in Rhodesia, overprints of British South Africa. [278.474]
- Natal issues its last postage stamps. [1367.1193]
- Last postage stamps of Crete. [707.574]
- Trengganu issues its first postage stamps. [1367.705]
- Last postage stamps are issued for use in Transvaal. [285.582]
- First non-overprint postage stamps are issued for use in Rhodesia, depicting King George V and Queen Mary. [278.475]
- The Republic of Portugal issues its first postage stamps, overprints of previous Portugal stamps. [278.396]
- Spain issues last postage stamps for use in Elobey, Annobon, and Corisco. [1843.1025]
- Italy issues first non-overprint postage stamps for use in the colony of Eritrea. [1843.1035]
- July 12
- Caroline Islands issues its last postage stamps. [707.129]
- November 4
- The Union of South Africa issues its first postage stamp, denominated 2 1/2 pence. [1135]
- January 1
- First postage stamps for Gilbert and Ellice Islands are issued, overprints of Fiji stamps. [1135] [1841.297]
- January
- Kelantan state of Malaya issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- February 17
- Fred J. Wiseman of Sonoma, California, carries in his airplane mail from the US Postal Service postmaster of Petaluma, California, to the postmaster of Santa Rosa. This is the world's first officially-sanctioned airmail flight. [1633.50]
- March 1
- New Hebrides joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- March
- First named postage stamps for Gilbert and Ellice Islands are issued. [1841.297]
- (month unknown)
- Kelantan issues its first postage stamps. [1367.697]
- July 25
- The United Kingdom issues first non-overprint pound-denominated postage stamps for use in the New Hebrides. [1367.1349]
- October
- Solomon Islands joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- February 1
- Liechtenstein issues its own postage stamps. [810.43] (January 29 [1135])
- May 25
- Morocco issues first postage stamps, six denominations depicting Aissaouas Mosque in Tangier. [1367.1121]
- (month unknown)
- Anjouan issues its last postage stamps. [700.425]
- South Australia issues its last postage stamps. [700.575]
- Tasmania issues its last postage stamps. [700.577]
- Western Australia issues its last postage stamps. [700.582]
- Italy issues first postage stamps for use in Libya, as overprints of Italy stamps. [1367.500]
- Austria issues first postage stamps for use in Liechstenstein. [1367.537]
- Kedah issues its first postage stamps. [1367.696]
- Last postage stamps are issued for Grand Comoros. [1841.303]
- The United Kingdom issues last postage stamps for use in Southern Nigeria. [285.75]
- The Republic of Portugal issues its first non-overprint postage stamps, depicting Ceres. [278.396]
- France issues last postage stamps (until 1997) for use in Mayotte. [1367.882]
- France issues last postage stamps for use in Mohéli. [1367.986]
- The United Kingdom issues last postage stamps for use in Northern Nigeria. [1367.1526]
- July 1
- Victoria issues its last postage stamps. [700.579]
- July
- The Malayan state of Kedah issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- December 14
- The Republic of China issues its own first postage stamps, depicting Sun Yat-sen. [1135]
- December
- Tibet issues its own first postage stamps. [285.501] [1135]
- January 2
- Australia issues its first postage stamps. [700.585] [1032.43]
- April 1
- Montenegro issues its last postage stamps (until 2006). [1367.1101]
- May 25
- The Mexican state of Sonora issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- June 16
- Albania issues its first postage stamps, using overprinted stamps of Turkey. [700.294] [1135]
- (month unknown)
- Orchha State of India issues its first postage stamps. [1841.942]
- Portugal issues first postage stamps for use in Tete, overprints of several Portuguese colonies. [285.450]
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Trinidad and Tobago colony. [285.584]
- Thrace issues its only postage stamps. [285.500]
- Portugal issues first postage stamps for use in Quelimane, using overprints of other Portuguese colonies. [278.473]
- July 1
- The US Post Office makes parcel post stamps valid for any postage. [1135]
- July
- Albania issues its first postage stamps. [700.294]
- November
- The last postage stamps of Albania are issued. [700.294]
- The Morocco post office issues its last postage stamps (until 1956). [1367.1121]
- February
- Epirus issues first and last postage stamps. [1135] [1843.1026]
- March 31
- Bavaria issues the world's first photogravure-printed postage stamps, depicting King Ludwig III. [1135]
- (month unknown)
- Last postage stamps of Cameroun under German dominion are issued. [707.27]
- Four-year old girl May Pierstorff is mailed about 100 miles from Grangeville to Lewiston, Idaho, USA, by train, for cost of 53 cents. [1150.717]
- Portugal issues last postage stamps for use in Tete, overprints of several Portuguese colonies. [285.450]
- Spain issues first postage stamps for use in Spanish Morocco, overprints on Spain stamps. [285.177]
- Germany issues last postage stamps for use in Togo. [285.506]
- Portugal issues last postage stamps for use in Quelimane. [278.445]
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Nigeria, depicting King George V. [1367.1483]
- August 1
- France issues first postage stamps for use in the French Protectorate of French Morocco, using overprints of France. [1135] [1843.1304]
- June 30
- In the United Kingdom, all postage stamps issued under Queen Victoria cease to be valid for postage. [1154.938]
- (month unknown)
- Danish West Indies issues its last postage stamps. [700.194]
- France issues last postage stamps for use on Tahiti. [285.406]
- France issues first postage stamps for use in Ubangi-Chari-Chad, overprints of Middle Congo. [285.758]
- Portugal issues last postage stamps for use in Portuguese Congo. [278.445]
- Denmark issues last postage stamps for use in the colony of Danish West Indies. [1843.775]
- July 1
- San Marino joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- August 15
- First postage stamps are issued for Bushire under British occupation, using overprinted stamps of Iran. [700.1291]
- September
- Last postage stamps for Bushire are issued. [700.1291]
- September 16
- Mexico resumes stamp issues following revolutionary period. [1135]
- October 15
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in the British Protectorate of Egypt. [1843.959]
- January 1
- Brunei joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- January 12
- France issues first postage stamps for use in Rouad Island, using overprints of French Offices in the Levant. [278.577] [1135]
- May 29
- First and last postage stamps issued for Kionga, as overprints of stamps of Lourenco Marques. [1367.170]
- (month unknown)
- First postage stamps for Cape Juby are issues, using overprinted stamps of Rio de Oro. [707.115]
- Last postage stamps for Kiauchau are issued. [1367.170]
- Germany issues its last postage stamps for use in the Marshall Islands. [1367.827]
- July
- Christmas Island issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- August
- Mecca in Hejaz issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- October 23
- Nauru issues its first postage stamps, using overprinted stamps of Great Britain. [1135] [1367.1193]
- December
- France issues last postage stamps for use in Rouad Island. [278.577]
- May 16
- Italy issues the world's first airmail stamps. [1135]
- (month unknown)
- Portugal issues last postage stamps for use in Inhambane. [1841.992]
- France issues first non-overprint postage stamps for use in the French Protectorate of French Morocco. [1843.1304]
- France issues last postage stamps for use in Upper Senegal and Niger. [285.820]
- November 2
- Effective this date, US postage letter rate is increased from 2 cents to 3 cents, with 1 cent as a war tax. [1135]
- December
- Independent Republic of Finland issues its first postage stamps, depicting its coat of arms. [1843.1121]
- February 10
- Palestine issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- February 12
- Finland joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- May 13
- First US airmail stamps issued (24 cents). [1]
- (month unknown)
- German Austria issues its first postage stamps. [700.635]
- Bosnia and Herzegovina issues its last postage stamps (until 1993). [700.993]
- Independent Estonia issues its first postage stamps. [1843.1041]
- July
- Ukraine issues its first postage stamps. [285.783] [1135]
- (month unknown)
- The Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic issues its first postage stamps. [278.582]
- September 1
- Iraq issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- November 18
- Estonia issues its first postage stamps. [1132.288] (November 22 [1135])
- November 20
- The provisional government of the Western Ukraine National Republic issues its first postage stamps, overprints of Austria stamps. [285.1072]
- December 2
- First postage stamps are issued for use in Fiume, using overprints of Hungary. [1843.1164]
- December 18
- Czechoslovakia issues its first postage stamps, depicting Hradcany Castle. [707.707] [1135] [1843.692]
- December 19
- Latvia issues its first postage stamps. [1135] (December 18 [1367.411])
- December 27
- Lithuania issues its first postage stamps, denominated 10 and 15 skatiku. [1135] [1367.563]
- January 3
- Faroe Islands issues its first postage stamps, using bisected Danish 4-ore stamps. [1135]
- May 1
- Italy issues first postage stamps for use in Dalmatia. [1843.775]
- Poland joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- May
- The provisional government of the Western Ukraine National Republic issues its last postage stamps. [285.1073]
- June 14
- The Republic of Hungary issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- (month unknown)
- First postage stamps for Armenia are issued, using overprinted stamps of Russia. [700.537]
- Austria-Hungary issues its last postage stamps. [700.635]
- Azerbaijan (republic) issues its first and last postage stamps. [700.709]
- Batum issues its first postage stamps. [700.794]
- First postage stamp are issued for Cilicia under French control, using stamps of Turkey overprinted "CILICIE". [707.410]
- First stamps issued for Rarotonga (Cook Islands), as stamps of New Zealand overprinted "RAROTONGA". [707.527]
- The National Republic of Georgia issues its first postage stamps. [1841.76]
- Last postage stamps for German New Guinea are issued. [1841.84]
- Last postage stamps for German South West Africa are issued. [1841.84]
- Germany issues last postage stamps for use in the Mariana Islands. [1367.826]
- The United Kingdom issues last postage stamps for use in East Africa and Uganda Protectorates. [1843.903]
- First non-overprint postage stamps are issued for use in Fiume [1843.1164]
- November 15
- Iceland joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- November 16
- The Monarchy of Hungary issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- January 30
- First postage stamps are issued for use in the Saar under administration of the League of Nations, using overprints of Germany stamps. [278.765]
- March 21
- North Ingermanland issues its first postage stamps. [1135] [1367.1527]
- March 31
- Bavaria loses its postal autonomy. [1841.85]
- May 18
- Czechoslovakia joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- June
- Spain issues first postage stamps for La Agüera, overprinted on stamps of Spain. [700.284]
- (month unknown)
- Aitutaki issues its first own postage stamps. [700.284]
- The first and last postage stamps for Allenstein are issued, using overprinted stamps of Germany. [700.370]
- Batum issues its last postage stamps. [700.794]
- First postage stamps are issued for Upper Volta, using stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger overprinted "HAUTE-VOLTA". [700.1239]
- First postage stamps are issued for Castellorizo, on stamps of French Offices in Turkey. [707.129]
- Central Lithuania issues its first postage stamps. [707.176]
- Liechtenstein begins issuing its own postage stamps. [1367.537]
- Wurttemberg issues its last government-use postage stamps. [1841.93]
- Final postage stamps for Bavaria are issued, overprints of Bavaria stamps for use in Bavaria or all of Germany. [1841.87]
- Duttia State of India issues its last postage stamps. [1841.935]
- France issues first postsge stamps for use in Wallis and Futuna Islands, using overprints of New Caledonia stamps. [285.1049]
- First non-overprint postage stamps are issued for Penrhyn Island. [278.175]
- The Kingdom of Serbia issues its last postage stamps. [278.1076]
- Danzig issues its first postage stamps, using overprints of Germany. [1843.776]
- August 1
- First postage stamps are issued for use in Memel, using overprints of stamps of Germany. [1367.888]
- August 2
- North Ingermanland issues its last postage stamps. [1367.1527]
- August 23
- First stamps issued by Rarotonga (Cook Islands), inscribed "Rarotonga". [707.527] [1135]
- New Zealand issues first non-overprint postage stamps for use in Niue. [1367.1494]
- September 1
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Palestine under British administration, overprints on military occupation stamps. [278.58] [1135]
- September 8
- US Air Mail service begins (New York City to San Francisco). [1]
- September
- Far Eastern Republic issues its first postage stamps, overprints of Russia stamps. [1135] [1843.1090]
- November
- First postage stamps (overprints on Palestine stamps) issued for Transjordan under British mandate. [1135] [1367.119]
- November 16
- Postage meter first used in US in lieu of postage stamps. [1]
- November 18
- Arbe Island issues its first postage stamps, using overprinted stamps of Fiume. [1135]
- Veglia Island issues its first postage stamps, using overprinted stamps of Fiume. [1135]
- December 18
- First US postage stamps printed without the words United States or US. [1]
- January 16
- The Kingdom of Yugoslavia issues its first postage stamps for use throughout the kingdom. [285.1096] [1135]
- January 31
- Danzig issues its first non-overprint postage stamps, depicting a Hanseatic trading ship. [1843.777]
- (month unknown)
- Italy issues first postage stamps specifically made for their Libya colony. [1367.500]
- June
- La Aguera issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- (month unknown)
- Armenia issues its first postage stamps. [700.538]
- German Austria issues its first postage stamps. [700.635]
- First postage stamps for Cameroun under French mandate are issued, on overprinted stamps of Middle Congo. [707.28]
- Last postage stamps are issued for Cilicia. [707.411]
- Last postage stamps are issued for use in Lourenco Marques. [1367.80]
- First postage stamps for Kenya are issued, inscribed "East Africa and Uganda Protectorates". [1367.165]
- Switzerland begins issuing postage stamps for use in Liechstenstein. [1367.538]
- Barwani State of India issues its first postage stamps. [1841.927]
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Tanganyika, overprints of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. [285.413]
- First non-overprint postage stamps are issued for use in the Saar under administration of the League of Nations. [278.766]
- First postage stamps are issued for use in the Territory of Niger, overprints of Upper Senegal and Niger. [1367.1450]
- Postage stamps for French Sudan are resumed (last done in 1899). [1843.1355]
- December 9
- The Philatelic Agency of the US Post Office Department is established in Washington, DC. [1135]
- December 21
- The Kingdom of Hejaz issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- December 24
- Yugoslavia joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- January 1
- Philippines joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- January 31
- Karelia issues its first postage stamps. [1135] [1367.145]
- February 1
- Italy issues last postage stamps for use in Benadir. [285.15]
- February 17
- The provisional government of Ireland issues first postage stamps, overprints of United Kingdom stamps. [1135] [1187.163] [1841.1093]
- March 1
- Albania joins the Universal Postal Union. [995.36] [1135]
- April 6
- In France, the French Government sells at auction the unique British Guiana 1856 1-cent postage stamp on magenta paper, which was confiscated from the Reichspost Museum in Berlin, Germany. Hugo Griebert, on behalf of American Arthur Charles Hind, buys the stamp for 300,000 francs plus 17.5 percent tax (7343 British pounds, US$32,500). This is a world auction record for a postage stamp. [674.86] [1135] [1170.61] [1268.7] [1793.15]
- April
- Italy issues first postage stamps for use in Italian Somalia, overprints of Italian stamps. [285.15]
- June
- The Spanish possession of La Agüera issues its first and last postage stamps. [700.284]
- (month unknown)
- The United Kingdom issues first non-overprinted postage stamps for use in Tanganyika. [285.413]
- Armenia issues its last postage stamps. [700.539]
- Austria (republic) issues its first postage stamps. [700.636]
- Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic issues its first postage stamps. [700.709]
- Central Lithuania issues its larst postage stamps. [707.177]
- First postage stamps for Chad are issued using stamps of Middle Congo overprinted "TCHAD". [707.185]
- First postage stamps inscribed "Kenya and Uganda" are issued. [1367.165]
- Last postage stamps for German East Africa are issued. [1841.83]
- The Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia issues its first postage stamps. [1841.76]
- Spain issued last postage stamps for use in Rio de Oro. [278.479]
- July 7
- Estonia joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- July 13
- First postage stamps released for use in Barbuda, stamps of Leeward Islands overprinted "BARBUDA". [700.782] [1135]
- October 10
- The independent Kingdom of Egypt issues its first postage stamps. [1843.959]
- November 1
- The first postage stamps for joint use in Kenya and Uganda are issued. [1135]
- November 2
- First postage stamps for Ascension are issued, using overprinted stamps of Saint Helena. [700.556] [1135]
- December 6
- The Irish Free State issues its own first postage stamp, denominated 2-pence, depicting a map of the country. [1135] [1187.163]
- January 2
- First postage stamps are issued for use in South West Africa, overprints on South Africa stamps. [285.82] [1135]
- April 1
- Kuwait issues its first postage stamps, using overprinted stamps of India. [1135]
- April
- The Transcaucasian Federated Republics issues its first postage stamps. [285.578] [1135]
- (month unknown)
- Castellorizo issues its first postage stamps. [707.130]
- Britain issues first postage stamps for use in Kuwait, as "KUWAIT" overprints on India postage stamps. [1367.347]
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Iraq. [1841.1061]
- Saurashtra State of India issues its first postage stamps. [1841.943]
- Germany issues its highest denominated postage stamp of its hyper-inflation: 50 billion marks (50,000,000,000m). [1841.98]
- Last postage stamps are issued for use in Rhodesia (replaced by Rhodesia and Nyasaland). [278.475]
- Italy issues first and only postage stamps for use in Saseno, overprints of Italy stamps. [278.1018]
- Last postage stamps are issued for use in Memel. [1367.888]
- The Nyassa Company issues last postage stamps for use in Nyassa. [1367.1558]
- July 6
- Stamps of the Transcaucasian Federation are replaced by those of the USSR. [1135]
- August 19
- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics issues its first postage stamps. [278.584]
- September 6
- Ireland joins the Universal Postal Union. [1135]
- October 24
- Italy issues first postage stamps for the colony of Tripolitania, overprints on Italy stamps. [285.596] [1135]
- The Transcaucasian Federated Republics issues its last postage stamps. [285.579]
- The Italian Colony of Cyrenaica issues its first postage stamps, using stamps of Italy overprinted "CIRENAICA". [707.705]
- (month unknown)
- The Republic of Turkey issues its first postage stamps. [285.647]
- January 1
- Lebanon issues its first postage stamps under French mandate. [1135]
- March 13
- Mexican state of Yucatan issues its first postage stamps. [1135]
- March 31
- Last day of use of Fiume postage stamps in Fiume. [1843.1164]
- April 1
- The United Kingdom issues first postage stamps for use in Southern Rhodesia, depicting King George V. [285.75] [1135]
- First day of use of Italy postage stamps in Fiume. [1843.1164]
- (month unknown)
- The first postage stamps for Algeria are issued, using overprinted stamps of France. [700.337]
- Ascension issues its first postage stamps. [700.556]
- Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic issues its last postage stamps. [700.709]
- France issues first postage stamps for Grand Liban, using overprinted stamps of France. [1367.425]
- First postage stamps are issued for use in Ruanda-Urundi, overprints of Belgian Congo. [278.577]
- The United Kingdom issues first non-overprint postage stamps for use in Nauru. [1367.1193]
- August
- Mongolia issues its first postage stamps. [1135] [1367.1055]