- Agreement is reached in determining Norway's share of Denmark's national debt. [1.338]
- Sweden's first savings bank is opened, in Göteborg. [267.138]
- Johan Johansson founds the Argus newspaper. [47.186]
- May
- Norway and Sweden accept British-negotiated terms of Norway's payment of its national debt. [269.144]
- (month unknown)
- The name of the Ordinari Post Tijdender newspaper is changed to Post-och-Inrikes Tidningar (Post and Home News). [48.223]
- A fire in Norrköping burns one-third of the city. [48.345]
- A law prohibiting coffee in Sweden is abolished. [80.19]
- King Karl Johan's wife Desirée comes to Sweden again from Paris, for the wedding of their son Oskar, to Josefina of Leuchtenberg. [48.304] [150.21]
- Private banks are permitted to issue notes. Previously, only the Estates or the Riksbank were allowed to. [47.206]
- The Technological Institute is founded. [47.226]
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- Karl is born to Prince Oskar and Josefina. (He will become king in 1859.) [150.21]
- Gustaf Hertig is born to Prince Oskar and Josefina. [150.21]
- Paddle-steamer service begins between Malmö and Copenhagen, Denmark. [47.206]
- Oskar is born to Prince Oskar and Josefina. (He will become king in 1872.) [150.21]
- The Chalmers Technical Institute is founded in Göteborg. [47.226]
- Lars Johan Hierta founds the Aftonbladet (The Evening Paper) newspaper. [47.188] [48.383]
- In Göteborg, the Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning (Göteborg's Commercial and Shipping News) newspaper is founded. [48.383]
- The Göta Canal is completed. [1.355] [48.319,444] [62.12] [267.138]
- Russia increases military activity on the Åland Islands. Sweden takes measures to protect Stockholm. [47.191]
- The monetary system is reformed, with paper money redeemed at about half its face value. [1.327] [267.128,138]
- Denmark and Sweden declare neutrality, permitting foreign warships restricted use of Scandinavian ports. [47.191] [48.319]
- A cholera epidemic hits Sweden. 4600 die in Göteborg. [48.345]
- Former king Gustav IV Adolf dies alone in Sto Gallen, Switzerland, as Colonel Gustafsson. [47.163] [48.295]
- The Swedish Temperance Society is established. [48.354]
- Russian Tsar Nicolas convinces King Karl Johan to postpone plans to make the Slite harbor on Gotland a free port. [47.191] [48.319]
- The riksdag passes an act requiring each parish to establish an elementary school. [48.352,353,532] [267.139]
- The single Union flag of Sweden and Norway is replaced by separate flags with a common Union emblem. [267.156]
- March
- King Karl XIV Johan dies. [1.334] [47.192] [267.141] [269.151]
- (month unknown)
- Oskar, son of late King Karl Johan, ascends to the throne as King Oskar. [1.357] [47.192] [267.141]
- Gustaf Pasch invents the safety match, with red phosphorous on the box, rather than self-igniting matches. [47.226] [281.18] (1846 [48.447])
- Restrictions on the freedom of the Press are abolished. [1.357]
- November 15
- Mr. Strandberg first sings "Song to the North" with lyrics by Richard Dybeck. The patriotic words lead to the song becoming Sweden's national anthem. [323.18]
- Equal rights of inheritance for men and women are established in the countryside. [1.357] [47.193] [48.359]
- The Lund Missionary Association is started. [47.228]
- Sweden formally recognizes Argentinian sovereignty. [44.18]
- March 27
- Fredrik Dahlgren first presents his play Värmlänningarna at the Royal Theater in Stockholm. (it becomes Sweden's most popular Swedish play, performed 839 times to 1964.) [192.21]
- (month unknown)
- Crown Prince Karl initiates the first excavation of a burial mound at Old Uppsala. The site reveals burned bones of man and animals, gold filigree work, game pieces, and bronze objects, dating to the sixth century. [48.12]
- The government abolishes most restrictions on craft guilds in towns. [47.193] [48.385,436]
- Employment of children under age 12 in certain industries is banned. [47.213]
- A Free Trade Association is founded in Gävle. [47.201]
- A new poor relief ordinance is enacted, obliging towns and parishes to care for the poor in their areas. [1.357] [47.193] [267.164]
- May
- At a Secret Committee in the Riksdag, King Oskar proposes to aid Denmark with 15,000 troops if Jutland and islands should be threatened by German troops. The proposal is approved. [1.338] (4500 troops [47.197])
- (month unknown)
- In Mälmo, King Oskar mediates an armistice between Denmark and Prussia. [1.342] [47.197]
- Professor Gustaf Erik Pasch receives a patent on a match that must strike a specially prepared area to ignite. [127.18]
- The first steam-driven sawmill in Sweden is established on the Norrland coast. [1.352] [47.207]
- A new Education Act unifies elementary and secondary schools, and eliminates the obligation to learn Latin, Greek, or Hebrew. [47.194]
- Swedish troops occupy northern Slesvig under terms of a tentative peace between Denmark and the German States. [47.197]