A chronological listing of world postage stamps depicting design errors.
1995 January 11
$2 stamp depicts Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus), misspelled "Dobson Fly" and "Corydalis".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1044
1995 April 20
United States of America
32-cent stamp depicts an electrical cord from the Sun with a male receptical, and a house with a female electrical receptical. This is backwards, or dangerous, or implies the Sun gets its power from the house.
Catalog numbers: Scott 2952; Stanley Gibbons 3018
Approximate value: US$0.25 (Scott 2018).
1995 (month unknown)
2-dalasy stamp depicts Staurikosaurus dinosaur, mis-captioned "Staurilosaurus". 3-dalasy stamp depicts Yangchuanosaurus dinosaur, mis-captioned "Vangchuanosaurus". 3-dalasy stamp depicts Coelophysis dinosaur, mis-captioned "Ceolophysis".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1605j,1606b,1606c
1995 July 6

5-rufiyaa stamp depicts a Soviet Union Ilyushin Design Bureau IL-2 Shturmovik fighter plane with incorrect caption "IL-1".
Catalog numbers: Scott 2088d
1995 August 15
45-cent stamp depicts Belted kingfisher, with erroneous French caption "aune migratrice", instead of "faune". The error was corrected in a second printing a month later.
Catalog numbers: Scott 1564
Approximate value: US$0.40 (Scott 2014).
1995 August 28
Scott 1036

20th anniversary of the World Tourism Organization.
4-m stamp depicts red hot pokers (flowers), but misspells as "porkers". The stamps are withdrawn September 15.
Approximate value: US$2.50 (Scott 2009).
1995 September 1
United States of America
32-cent stamp depicts Louis Armstrong with denomination "32" in white and name in black. 15 days later the same stamp is re-issued with black "32" and white name, along with nine other 32-cent (in black) stamps depicting American musicians (with names in white).
Catalog numbers: Scott 2982; Stanley Gibbons 3093
Approximate value: US$0.25 (Scott 2018).
1995 September 8
$1 stamp depicts Camptosaurus dinosaur with misspelled caption "Comptosaurus". $1 stamp depicts Baryonyx dinosaur with misspelled caption "Baronyx".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1803b,e
Approximate value: US$1.65 (Scott 2014).
1995 October 20
100-franc stamp depicts a Crimson-crested Woodpecker (Campephilus melanoleucos), misspelled as "menaloleucos".
Catalog numbers: Scott 717e
1995 November 24
South Africa
Standard Postage denominated postage stamps depicts "Afrivoluta pringlei" but incorrectly inscribed “priglei”.
Catalog numbers: Scott 924; Stanley Gibbons 893
Approximate value: US$0.55 (Scott 2010).
1995 December 8
100th Anniversary of motion pictures.
150-franc postage stamp depicts Justus D. Barnes, misidentified as George Barnes; 200-franc postage stamp depicts film director John Huston, misspelled as "Houston".
Catalog numbers: Scott 723a,724c; Stanley Gibbons 1449
Approximate value: US$1.35 (Scott 2018).
1996 May 20
5500-kwanza stamp depicts Ceylon spurfowl, misinscribed "sourfowl"; 5500-kwanza stamp depicts Temminck's tragopan, misinscribed "Temminicks".
Catalog numbers: Scott 957f,957h; Stanley Gibbons 1132,1134
Approximate value: US$1.67 (Scott 2018).
1996 May 17

$2 stamp depicts Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus), misspelled "Dobson Fly" and "Corydalis".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1066
1996 June 4
25-lek stamp depicts Great Britain flag drawn with red diagonals not extending to right corners, and not drawn correctly within the white diagonals.
Catalog numbers: Scott 2504
Approximate value: US$1 (Scott 2010).
1996 June 5
New Zealand
40-cent plus 5-cent semi-postage stamp depicts baby in car seat with teddy bear strapped in beside him, which indicates the shoulder strap is used (incorrect) rather than the seat belt (correct). The stamps were withdrawn and replaced by a seat belt only design.
Catalog numbers: Scott B154
Approximate value: US$1000 (Scott 2010).
1996 July 1
$30 stamp depicts German Olympic skiier Georg Thoma, with caption misspelled "GORG THOMA".
Catalog numbers: Scott 3203
1996 August 3
5-lek stamp for 1996 Summer Olympic Games, showing USA flag with 13 stripes but only three rows of stars.
Catalog numbers: Scott 2511
Approximate value: US$0.25 (Scott 2010).
1996 August 14
Grenada Grenadines
$6 stamp depicts viking ship and caption "VIKING SHIP 610 B.C." though Vikings roamed from 8th to 11th century C.E. (A.D.).
Catalog numbers: Scott 1864
1996 September 10
900-riel stamp depicts Bobby Fischer, with surname misspelled "Fisher".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1555
Approximate value: US$0.30 (Scott 2010).
1996 November 4
South Africa
70-cent stamp depicts Albert Luthuli, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1960, but caption says "1961" (Luthuli accepted the prize at the 1961 ceremony).
Catalog numbers: Scott 955b
Approximate value: US$0.50 (Scott 2010).
1996 November 8
300-r stamp depicts Labrador retriever dog; misspells as "retriver".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1565
Approximate value: US$0.25 (Scott 2014).
1996 November 11
30-cent stamp depicts a Roseate tern, misspelled "Roslate".
Catalog numbers: Scott 502
Approximate value: US$0.70 (Scott 2010).
1996 December 9
5-rupee stamp depicts Abai Kunanbaev, misspelled "KONUNBAEV".
Catalog numbers: Scott 1582
Approximate value: US$1.60 (Scott 2010).
1996 December 10
40th anniversary of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola.
30,000-kwanza stamp with value inscribed as "300.00.00" instead of 30.000.00.
Catalog numbers: Scott 987; Stanley Gibbons 1202
Approximate value: US$3.50 (Scott 2018).
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